Another COVID-19 UPDATE October 3, 2021 The Columbia Sacred Harp group has cancelled this year's annual October sing. It is not a time to travel, gather and sing together safely. Please care for yourself and others until we can meet again. *********************************************************** COVID-19 UPDATE March 18, 2020 For the foreseeable future we are cancelling the regular second and fourth Tuesday singings in Columbia. Please care for yourselves, your family and friends by following current, scientifically-valid best practices. ****************************************************************************** We invite you to experience and participate in Sacred Harp shape-note singing. Shape-note singing is a 200-year-old American tradition of lively a cappella music. This music features folk-like melodies, harmonized in an unorthodox style. Though the songs come from American religious traditions, singers from all creeds are welcome. Everyone is welcome at Sacred Harp events, regardless of perceived vocal ability. We invite music lovers to experience shape note singing, a 200-year-old American tradition of a capella music. Our hymnbooks are The Sacred Harp (Denson, 1991) and The Missouri Harmony (revised and reprinted, 2005). No experience necessary – you may sing or simply listen. Loaner books are available. Free and open to all. The Columbia, MO Shape-Note Singers meet at Trinity Presbyterian Church, 1600 W. Rollins Road from 7:30 - 9 p.m. every second and fourth Tuesday. We invite music lovers to experience shape note singing, a 200-year-old American tradition of a cappella music. Our hymnbooks are The Sacred Harp (Denson, 1991) and The Missouri Harmony (revised and reprinted, 2005). No experience necessary – you may sing or simply listen. Loaner books are available. Free and open to everyone. |
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Click image to see a sample of shape-note music.
Contact Us
Wendy Hofmann at (573) 446-1075 or whofmann - at - mchsi.com
Penny & Lou Kujawinski at (573) 874-1096.
Keep up with Columbia Shape Note Singers on Facebook
Penny & Lou Kujawinski at (573) 874-1096.
Keep up with Columbia Shape Note Singers on Facebook